Magick on your mind

(Mental health & low spoon days)

This workshop aspires to teach wholesome ways to bring a bit more magick to your everyday. We will learn designing simple spells and rituals that can be incorporated into your daily life without taking up extra time or energy – but that will definitely leave their positive imprint on your mood and mind for the day.Through group discussion, meditation and journaling prompts, we will also strive to achieve a mindset focusing on the positives. Steering away from outside (or internalized) expectations of what ‘we should be doing’, to the things that we can actually do with our possibilities, disabilities, and energy levels in mind. Focusing on strengths and little wins, rather than drowning ourselves in the ‘should’s’ that come with lots of guilt, when we don’t achieve them.

Self-care (to which I am also counting a spiritual practice) is one of the first things that goes out of the window if you are in the midst of anxiety, depression or other mental struggles or dark points in your life. With this in mind, we will discover ways on how to prepare some magick on our higher-energy days in order to use it for a moment of self-care when we are at our lowest. In the daily prompts, you will find lots of inspiration for low-spoon day magick. This online workshop might also inspire you to find out what little magical things you can do on a daily basis, without it becoming another chore or overwhelming. But rather have it evolve into a natural routine that can be adjusted to your needs and wants for the day.

Intuition is often named as one of the most important tools a witch can have in her kit. But it is also one that a lot of people don’t dare to use – either because they have never learned to trust their intuition or because they are not feeling confident in differentiating between their intuition and, for example, their anxiety whispering to them. Through journaling and meditation prompts, as well as little exercises, we will slowly learn to become more intuitive and align desires with actions.

This month-long workshop dives into mundane and spiritual aspects of mental health, self-care and finding true happiness. It combines knowledge from science, psychology, witchcraft, and spirituality to empower you in your skills as a practitioner and healer. You can look forward to fun cottage witchery, herbalism and green witchcraft, meditation and visualization exercises and much more to help you achieve emotional, mental and physical wellbeing. Discover new sides to you and grow in your abilities and confidence. And not only when it comes to your witchcraft practice – through a holistic approach you will be inspired to live a happier, calmer life.

The ‘Magick on your minds’ online retreat is also designed to help you find a supportive online network of like-minded people. In an intimate setting we will be connecting on a deep and meaningful level, share about ourselves, our struggles and wins, and get inspired by other people’s input. While the topics in the workshop touch on subjects related to mental health (e.g. depression and anxiety), it also has a lot of valuable information for anyone, regardless if that is part of your mental makeup in a clinical sense or not.

The workshop is open to people of all ages (18+) and gender-identities. It is both a good fit for seasoned practitioners and absolute beginner witches.

What can you learn?

  • Magical & mundane Self-care techniques
  • Magick for low-spoon days
  • Feel-good witchery to lift you up
  • Mediation techniques
  • ‘Lazy’ witchcraft – how to design easy spells and rituals
  • Finding and evoking the Magick  in the mundane to help you through the everyday and make your week brighter
  • Mundane and witchy ways to help cope with depression and anxiety
  • Ways to use witchcraft for mental well-being
  • Finding calm and comfort in spiritual practice
  • Reconnecting with nature
  • Listening to and following your intuition

What is this workshop for?

  • Fostering a spiritual routine that works for your needs and energy levels
  • Finding, what works for YOU
  • Finding and experimenting with your inner magick
  • Utilizing higher energy days to prepare for darker times
  • Forming interpersonal connection & building a magical support network
  • Coping with mental struggles through witchcraft
  • Exploring your inner world and practicing deep reflection
  • Bringing magick in your mundane through inspiring exercises
  • Developing a spiritual routine that serves you

What's included?

  • 5 x 2 hours live Zoom meetings (coaching, course, exchange)
  • Daily message with audios, videos, exercises, challenges or prompts
  • Lifetime access to all course materials
  • Access to the exclusive online group for support & connection with other participants

Workshop Dates

Online Zoom meetings:

20:00 – 22:00 CET | February Sunday 25, March 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th

Please make sure what time that would be for you, if you are in a different time zone. 

How much time do I need to invest?

In order, to really make the most of this workshop, participation in all group calls is strongly advised. Group calls are recorded and available to rewatch for one week after. This workshop is specifically designed with low-energy / low-spoon days in mind. Ideally, you want to invest a minimum of 5 minutes daily for the exercises in order for the workshop to yield the greatest result for you. Depending on the daily exercise, the amount of time could range from 5 minutes to 2 hours. Of course, you can adjust this to your personal schedule or energy-levels and invest more or less time, depending on your needs and availability. Also, keep in mind that you always can go back to the daily email prompts and (re)do them later.


How do I get the workshop materials?

You will receive all online workshop materials either at the start of the course or with the daily emails. If you like, you can purchase some items to use at home for the purpose of the workshop, but this isn’t mandatory or necessary in order to complete the prompts. The estimated costs for those will be between 0 – 50 Euro. If you need some help or guidance on how to use Zoom, etc., we are here to help!


20:00 – 22:00 CET | February Sunday 25, March 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th

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