Wild women witchcraft

(Female empowerment & sexuality)

In this month-long women’s circle, we will share secret knowledge and female wisdom with our sisters in spirit. It is a safe and intimate space to discuss all things that affect us in our daily life: societal pressure and expectations, body image, limiting beliefs, emotional wounds, spiritual practice, sexuality and self-care. In literature, the witch is often described as the wild, wise woman, living outside the parameters of society, free from its indoctrination, but at the same time secretive and removed, to fly under the radar. Sharing her wisdom and healing with those who seek her out, but at the same time being feared for her power. In this course, we will tap into our inner witch energy, primal capability and intuitive wisdom.


We will learn more about the archetypes of maiden, mother, and crone and how to harvest the energies and benefits of each of these roles throughout our lives. To prevent misunderstandings, here I want to mention: the archetype of the mother applies too if you never had or want children. Throughout the course, we strive for a shift in mindset through reflection and discussions to learn to embrace changes as adventures and new opportunities, and to appreciate aging and the transformation in our bodies and minds.


Another key component of this workshop will also be the topic of female sexuality and cycles. If you feel like you are not quite fulfilled in your sexual desires, need support navigating fluctuating libido and changing needs, brought on by events in your life – here you will find resources, tips and tricks and many open witches to share it with. For many women menopause, fertility struggles or changes in their menstrual cycle come almost as a shock – society still fails to prepare and educate women on topics surrounding their sexual health and the emotional, physical and mental challenges that come with it. We are supposed to shrug it off, not complain, function as normal and move on. In this workshop, we will learn from other women through exchange and reclaim the power that lays in wisdom.


This workshop is not only designed to help you re-discover yourself, your preferences and fantasies new, it also will give you concrete help and ideas on how to communicate your needs, wants and desires. Furthermore, we will be discussing topics such as menstruation, fertility, and menopause – both from a spiritual and from a mundane point of view. We will learn about their magical potential, as well as ways to cope with the struggles and hardship that each of these phases can bring with it. We will also take an excursion into herbal knowledge and green witchcraft surrounding female health.


This is your chance to discover new sides to you and grow in your wisdom, self-confidence, and communication skills. And not only when it comes to your witchcraft practice – through a holistic approach, including psychology, spirituality, life-coaching, daily challenges, prompts and guided self-reflection you will be inspired to dare and take up space, speak your truth and claim your pleasure. This workshop dives into mundane and spiritual aspects of female empowerment, body perception and aging, sexuality, sensuality, and all things female. It is heavily focused on self-discovery, reconnection to your emotions, body, and spirit. Through daily prompts, exercises, and ideas, you slowly incorporate the knowledge into your everyday, explore, learn and step into your witch power. The ‘Wild women witchcraft’ online retreat is also designed, to help you find a supportive online network of like-minded witches. In an intimate and safe setting we will be connecting on a deep and meaningful level, share about ourselves and get inspired by other women’s input.


Please note: While all my other workshops are inclusive and designed for anybody, regardless of gender (identity), this one – due to its specific content – is ONLY FOR WOMEN. It is both designed to be a good fit for seasoned practitioners as well as absolute beginner witches.

What can you learn?

  • Stepping into your witch power
  • Accepting & appreciating your body at any size
  • Celebrating the female life cycles
  • Harvesting the energies in your phase of life
  • Communicating your needs and wants
  • Embracing change in all its forms
  • Sex magick
  • Herbalism for women’s health
  • Healing the mother wound
  • Healing the sister wound
  • Healing the witch wound

What is this workshop for?

  • (Re)discovering your sensuality & sexuality
  • Female empowerment
  • Forming meaningful friendships & building a magical support network
  • Daring to be unapologetically you
  • (Re)connecting with your body
  • Shifting into a positive state of being
  • Celebrating ritual in a safe, sacred and female space
  • Healing through reflection and support

What's included?

  • 5 x 2 hours live Zoom meetings (moon phase rituals, class, exchange)
  • Extensive PDF booklet & guidebook on the workshop topic
  • Daily message with audios, videos, exercises, challenges or prompts
  • Lifetime access to all course materials
  • Access to the exclusive online group for support & connection with other participants

Workshop Dates

Online Zoom meetings:

20:00 – 22:00 CEST | May Sunday 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th and 2nd June

Please make sure what time that would be for you, if you are in a different time zone.

How much time do I need to invest?

In order, to really make the most of this workshop, participation in all group calls is strongly advised. Group calls are recorded and available to rewatch for one week after.

Ideally, you want to invest a minimum of 5 minutes daily for the exercises in order for the workshop to yield the greatest result for you. Depending on the daily exercise, the amount of time could range from 5 minutes to 2 hours. Of course, you can adjust this to your personal schedule and invest more or less time, depending on your needs and availability.

How do I get the workshop materials?

You will receive all online workshop materials either at the start of the course (e.g. the PDF booklet) or with the daily emails. If you like, you can purchase some items to use at home for the purpose of the workshop, but this isn’t mandatory or necessary in order to complete the prompts. The estimated costs for those will be between 0 – 50 Euro. If you need some help or guidance on how to use Zoom, etc., we are here to help!

Wild women witchcraft Workshop booked


20:00 – 22:00 CEST | May Sunday 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th and 2nd June

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