All About Ostara

It’s finally happening! On the 22nd of March, spring will officially arrive and with it the celebration of Ostara. The witchy, pagan celebration of the Vernal Equinox welcomes the fresh new life of spring and celebrates the awakening of the earth after the death and slumber of winter. We’ve gone into the darkness, honored the […]

The Magick of Imbolc

Sometimes called Midwinter Day, Imbolc is the celebration of the beginning of the reawakening of the earth in the spring. It’s definitely not spring yet, so hold off on switching out your snow boots for sandals. But just like our ancient ancestors, if you live in the Northern Hemisphere, you are probably just starting to […]

The Magick of Yule

The sights and sounds of the festive season are everywhere and the world is just that much more “magical”. Twinkling lights, time with loved ones, delicious baked goods, and greenery everywhere bring back the childhood joys of the season each and every year. For modern Pagans, Yule is the twelve day period that begins with […]